Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Whats the big deal?

Over the weekend we were asked to read Martin Luther King's letter from Birmingham jail. I have learned about this letter in my history classes but this is the first time I actually read it. I admire Martin Luther King. He was a great communicator. In the letter he was able to address the racial issues in Birmingham along with the rest of the world from all different angles. He kept collected while writing the letter by reassuring the opposing side that he understood their opinion and then using that understanding to address why things need to change quick. I am very amazed at how Martin Luther King was able to sound so composed, and non-condescending, while writing this letter from his jail cell and after all the hardships he has been through. He was consistently told time and again by white moderates that he was right for what he fought for but that it wasn't the right time to act. These opinions did not stop him from doing what he felt was the right thing to do. His perseverance has had an impact on the world. He is an idle that will always be remembered for his non-violent fight for equality and non-segregation.


Good said...

you rock my world! i love you eve! you really inspire me through your writing :)
- Will

smileyface223 said...

i liked your blog...your journel about mlk was espescially interesting!
good job:)