Monday, January 22, 2007

What's in the bag?

It is my opinion that our lives are made up of both fate and free will. We are continuously making decisions all throughout the day. Small decisions such as what shirt you'll wear or wether or not you have toast or a bagel for breakfast are hard to picture as having any affect on out fate. I believe that a majority of them don't, but that it is the ones that do that are more interesting. I think that these decisions act as a chain of events. For example if you decide to have a bagel for breakfast and go to Atlanta Bread Company where you see a man typing on a laptop that you decide to talk to, who ends up working for a company who is looking for a student your age as an intern. You decide to take him up on the offer. Now this is just made up but it is fun to think about. What if you had stayed home at eaten toast? Was it your fate to meet that man? I believe that every person is on this planet for a reason. As people live their lives they discover their purpose which then determines their fate.


Kelly said...

I don't agree with you in that both free will and fate make up our lives. I belive just in free will. Saying that there's both is an oxymoron, it just doesn't happen.

laughingchick08 said...

Wow!! Great job!! That is true. I believe that everyone is living for a purpose. You may not know what your purpose is right now, but when you find out, you are absolutely blown away!!

laughingchick08 said...
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smileyface223 said...

It's crazy to think that something may or may not have happened if you had done something differently...I've given that a lot of thought, and I think that each choice you make is made for a reason and by chosing it, you will learn a valuable lesson to be used somewhere down the road. So each decision made is made to teach you something and with each choice you learn different things that influence your life in many maybe your free will determines your fate.